Help us!

We live in an ever changing, always competetive world. In the sports world every player needs to know, that if they are going to shapen their skills, they must compete with players who will challenge them. In the world of the church, we can fall into the mindset of the world. We can see ourselves as we stack up against the church down the street or across town. We are tempted to grade ourselves on a scale created by us or by the evironment we live in. God doesn’t do that, nor does He want that for us! He will ask us one question and he demands an answer to his question, “Are you being obedient to my Word?” We cannot look to someone else for the answer, we must give the answer! In a parable Jesus told the story of three men, each were given a different number of talents. That’s right, different nuber of talents! When the Master came for an accounting of what was done with the talents, each man was judged according to what he did with the talents he was given. Each stood before the Master, alone. Our Church stands alone, given talents and gifts by God. We are accountable for what God has given us and not on what the church around the corner was given. We must be diligent in our obedience to God and God alone! My prayer for for you, is that you will be obedient to be a good steward of the talents andd giifts God has given you. How will you answer when he asks you what you ahve done with the talents he has given you?