Good person?!

The question in front of us is rather simple, “Are you a good person?” When answering this question we can look at it from three vantage points, and each may have a very different answer. First opinion is yours, do you think you are a good person? Most of us will answer the question with a very positive “yes”. That’s what we think of ourselves in the good moments! And we may be asble to come up with a list of “facts” to back up our answer. And so, we move through our days thinking we are a good person! But, and there is always a “but”, we ask your friends, your neighbors, your co-workers, and your family the question… they see you from a different and widely varied perspective. They get to see and hear you in many of life’s circumstances. How did you respond when… what did you say when… and where did you go when…? OOPs! maybe we are as nice as we think and then again, may be not! The third opinion of whether or not you are a good person comes from the one who created you, God, himself. He said your goodness has value only in light of your obedience to His Word! Jesus said many people will do good deeds, but our doing must be for Him and not for ourselves! Only what we do for Him will be put on the scales of good and evil! And it all begins with surrendering our lives to Him! Living a life of repentance and forgiveness are at the foundation of living a holy life, a life pleasing to God.